There was a very interesting discussion between DHH, Marcel and Jamis Buck about what should go into functional testing and what should go into integration testing. DHH believes testing for permission should go into integration.
How to prepare test database environment from migrations.
Usually we build our test database by using
To use your migrations for preparing test database create a file testdb.rake in the directory lib/tasks. Now add the following code in the lib/tasks/testdb.rake file.
module Rake module TaskManager def redefine_task(task_class, args, &block) task_name, deps = resolve_args(args) task_name = task_class.scope_name(@scope, task_name) deps = [deps] unless deps.respond_to?(:to_ary) deps = deps.collect {|d| d.to_s } task = @tasks[task_name.to_s] =, self) task.application = self task.add_comment(@last_comment) @last_comment = nil task.enhance(deps, &block) task end end class Task class << self def redefine_task(args, &block) Rake.application.redefine_task(self, args, &block) end end end end
def redefine_task(args, &block) Rake::Task.redefine_task(args, &block) end
namespace :db do namespace :test do
desc 'Prepare the test database and migrate schema' redefine_task :prepare => :environment do Rake::Task['db:test:migrate_schema'].invoke end
desc 'Use the migrations to create the test database' task :migrate_schema => 'db:test:purge' do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ActiveRecord::Base.configurations['test']) ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate("db/migrate/") end
end end
Now from command prompt run this command to view all the rake tasks
You will c a task as rake db:test:migrate_schema To prepare the test database run this command