sur says ajax :on => rails

Monday, April 17, 2006

Net-SSH and Net-SFTP

Hello readers!
This post is all about the power of Ruby.
After the day full of work I need to take the backup of my work there on remote as well as on my local machine.
Ruby Scripting helps the way out in a beautiful manner. There are two modules Net::SSH and Net::SFTP available at RUBY FORGE which can add a lots of more geek functionalities to your daily routine. One of them has relaxed me a lot.
Here I am going to explain a small n great use of Net::SSH and Net::SFTP.
To use this functionality from your local machine u will have to install ruby on your local machine.
After that install these two modules simply using Ruby GEM as follows...


after installation write the following code and save it as a ruby file say "backup.rb"
here is the code for "backup.rb"

#----------------BACKUP YOUR DATA ON LOCAL MACHINE--------------#
require 'net/ssh'
require 'net/sftp'
#----------------CONNECTION PARAMETERS--------------------------#
#... If u wanna use the default connection parameters then set the $default variable to "y" and
#... set the default values for $host,$username,$password variables in following elsif block.
#... Or Set $default to "n" to provide the connection parameters dynamically.
$default = "n"
if $default == "n"
print " Host : "
$host = gets().chop
print "Username : "
$username = gets().chop
print "Password : "
$password = gets().chop
elsif $default == "y"
$host = "localhost"
$username = "user"
$password = "pass"
#----------------TO BE MODIFIED AS PER NEED-----------------------#
$file_path = "exe/"
$file_exist = "temp1"
$download_path = "c:/test_backup/"
time_now =
$file_new = $file_exist + "_" + time_now.strftime("%a_%b_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S") + ".tar.gz"
Net::SSH.start($host, $username, $password) do ¦session¦
shell =
shell.tar "-czf " + $file_path + $file_new + " " + $file_path + $file_exist
puts $file_new + " is successfully created "
sleep 0.5
$stdout.print shell.stdout while shell.stdout?
Net::SFTP.start($host, $username, $password) do ¦sftp¦
sftp.get_file $file_path + $file_new, $download_path + $file_new
#------feel free to send comments/queries at

now through command prompt run the file "backup.rb"
and enjoy the simple and trendy way to backup your work.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Why switch to yet another technology ??

Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. From the Ajax in the view, to the request and response in the controller, to the domain model wrapping the database, Rails gives you a pure-Ruby development environment. To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.

Everyone from startups to non-profits to enterprise organizations are using Rails. Rails is all about infrastructure so it's a great fit for practically any type of web application Be it software for collaboration, community, e-commerce, content management, statistics, management.

I will try to provide the best of my experiences from the always relishing rails.