and i would like to inform all the readers to update their feeds and bookmarks to the new url .
On my new blog i am going to release a captcha plugin which is really very simple to implement. This plugin provides the functionality to add captcha based authentication in your rails applications.
It mainly features...
Controller based captcha
Model based captcha
and the feature i like the most is multiple image styles
You can simply pass the name of the image style from the view and captcha will throw the random strings as the selected style of image. The images are clear enough to read by human and blurred and manipulated enough to protect from bots. Example of the images ...
Using Regular Expression in Ruby on Rails -- Regexp for Password Validation
A regular expression (abbreviated as regexp or regex, with plural forms regexps, regexes, or regexen) is a string that describes or matches a set of strings, according to certain syntax rules. Regular expressions are used by many text editors and utilities to search and manipulate bodies of text based on certain patterns. Many programming languages support regular expressions for string manipulation. Ruby has a strong Regular Expression engine built directly as a class of Ruby Programming language as Regexp Here we will go through an example which will validate the password string. Lets say we have to implement the following validations to validate a password...
Password should contain atleast one integer.
Password should contain atleast one alphabet(either in downcase or upcase).
Password can have special characters from 20 to 7E ascii values.
Password should be minimum of 8 and maximum of 40 cahracters long.
To fulfill above requirements we can have a regular expression like...
in ruby programming language we can have a number of ways to define this regular expression as... ■ reg ="^(?=.*\d)(?=.*([a-z]|[A-Z]))([\x20-\x7E]){8,40}$") or ■ reg = %r(^(?=.*\d)(?=.*([a-z]|[A-Z]))([\x20-\x7E]){8,40}$) or simply ■ reg = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*([a-z]|[A-Z]))([\x20-\x7E]){8,40}$/
Now look what exactly this regex is doing... (?=.*\d) shows that the string should contain atleast one integer. (?=.*([a-z]|[A-Z])) shows that the string should contain atleast one alphabet either from downcase or upcase. ([\x20-\x7E]) shows that string can have special characters of ascii values 20 to 7E. {8,40} shows that string should be minimum of 8 to maximum of 40 cahracters long. We can simply use this regular expression for manual handling of password in an action as...
How to improve the image quality and generate random string image in the plugin validates_captcha
Validates captcha is a good pluging to implement captcha in your rails application. However i found that there is repetition of the string of the image and the quality of image is not that good. To get a good quality image and random string replace the code of the file /vendor/plugns/validates_captcha/lib/captcha_challenge.rb with the following code...
Rake task to remove the image and audio files created by captcha
To add a rake task to the rails application which removes all the image and audio files created by captcha, create a file named remove_captcha_files.rake in the lib/tasks directory. Add the following code to the lib/tasks/remove_captcha_files.rake file…
desc "Remove captcha images and audio files" task :remove_captcha_files do image_path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/images/captcha/" audio_path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/captcha_audio/" Dir.foreach(image_path){|file| File.delete(image_path+file) if (/^.*\.jpg$/).match(file)} if File.exist?(image_path) Dir.foreach(audio_path){|file| File.delete(audio_path+file) if (/^.*\.wav$/).match(file)} if File.exist?(audio_path) puts "Captcha files removed." end
You can confirm that task is added to your app by running
To remove all the files created by captcha, simply run the command
There was a very interesting discussion between DHH, Marcel and Jamis Buck about what should go into functional testing and what should go into integration testing. DHH believes testing for permission should go into integration.
How to prepare test database environment from migrations.
Usually we build our test database by using
To use your migrations for preparing test database create a file testdb.rake in the directory lib/tasks. Now add the following code in the lib/tasks/testdb.rake file.
module Rake module TaskManager def redefine_task(task_class, args, &block) task_name, deps = resolve_args(args) task_name = task_class.scope_name(@scope, task_name) deps = [deps] unless deps.respond_to?(:to_ary) deps = deps.collect {|d| d.to_s } task = @tasks[task_name.to_s] =, self) task.application = self task.add_comment(@last_comment) @last_comment = nil task.enhance(deps, &block) task end end class Task class << self def redefine_task(args, &block) Rake.application.redefine_task(self, args, &block) end end end end
def redefine_task(args, &block) Rake::Task.redefine_task(args, &block) end
namespace :db do namespace :test do
desc 'Prepare the test database and migrate schema' redefine_task :prepare => :environment do Rake::Task['db:test:migrate_schema'].invoke end
desc 'Use the migrations to create the test database' task :migrate_schema => 'db:test:purge' do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ActiveRecord::Base.configurations['test']) ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate("db/migrate/") end
end end
Now from command prompt run this command to view all the rake tasks
You will c a task as rake db:test:migrate_schema To prepare the test database run this command
Source Code For Ajax Based Drag Drop Navigation Tree For Rails.
Hello Everyone! for some CSS issues i was not able to publish the source code properly on my wordpress's blog so i am publishing all the code here only. Check this out...
I m providing a very generalized use case where the tree fits in a good position. Here it is... Consider a model MyItem, a controller MyController and a myaction.rhtml as a view. MyItem model is using acts_as_tree and we are going to put a seed for MyItem to grow it in an ajax tree ;-) ... So, lets start the code now...
From the command prompt run this command to generate the migration file to create the table in database
and a file name db/migrate/00x_create_my_item.rb will be created where 00x represents the version of your schema info incremented by 1.
Add the following code to this file 00X_create_my_item.rb
class CreateMyItem < force =""> true do |t| t.column "name", :string t.column "created_at", :datetime t.column "parent_id", :integer, :default => 0, :null => false end end def self.down drop_table :my_items end end
As we are finished with the migration file, run this migration to create the table in databse by this command.
Now create the model for this table by executing the follwing command
and this will create a file app/models/my_item.rb file will be created.
Add the following code to this file my_item.rb
class MyItem < order =""> "created_by" HIERARCHY_LEVEL = 3 validates_presence_of :name attr_accessor :style
def self.roots self.find_all_by_parent_id(0) end
def level self.ancestors.size end end
Add the following code to the view file app/views/my_controller/myaction.rhtml
<% @myitem = @myitems[0] %> <!-- here @myitems[0] reflects the first node item that will be selected by default --> <div id="navtree"> <%= render :partial=>'my_controller/mytree', :object=>[@myitem,@myitems] %> </div>
Add the following code to app/controllers/my_controller.rb
def myaction @myitems = MyItem.find(:all) end
def show_selected_item if request.xhr? @myitem = MyItem.find(params[:id]) if @myitem # the code below will render all your RJS code inline and # u need not to have any .rjs file, isnt this interesting render :update do |page| page.hide "selected_item" page.replace_html "selected_item", :partial=>"my_controller/myitem", :object=>@myitem page.visual_effect 'toggle_appear', "selected_item" end end end end
def sort_my_tree if request.xhr? if @myitem = MyItem.find(param[:id].split("_")[0]) parent_myitem = MyItem.find(params[:parent_id]) render :update do |page| @myitem.parent_id = @myitems=MyItem.find(:all) @sort = 'inline' page.replace_html "navtree", :partial=>"my_controller/mytree", :object=>[@myitem,@myitems,@sort] end end end end
Add the following code in the file app/views/my_controller/_myitem.rhtml
<% if @myitem %> Selected Item is <%=h> <% else %> Item not found <% end %>
I have include all the style and the javascript methods here in this file only. You can make CSS and JS files accordingly. JS also includes collection proxies (fundo it is ). Add the following code in the file app/views/my_controller/_mytree.rhtml
.mytree a{ text-decoration:none; font-size:13px; color:black; } .mytree a:hover{ background-color:lightblue; } .mytree label{ font-weight:normal; } .highlighted{ background-color:lightblue; } .normal{ background-color:white; } .drag_image { /* this class is mandatory for the collection proxies... u can avoid this class if u need ur tree not to work well :-) */ border:1px; } </style>
<div id="mytree" class="mytree"> <% @ancestors = @myitem.ancestors.collect{|parent|} unless !@myitem.has_parent? %> <% @myitems = MyItem.find(:all) %> <%= get_tree_data(@myitems,0){|n| link_to_remote, :url=>{:controller=>'my_controller',:action=>'show_selected_item',:id=>} :loading=>"'tree_indicator')", :complete=>"Element.hide('tree_indicator')", } <% @myitems.each do |node| %> <% if node.has_parent? %> <%= draggable_element'_tree_div',:revert=>true, :snap=>false, :handle=>"'#{}_drag_image'" %> <% end %> <% if node.level < MyItem::HIERARCHY_LEVEL %> <%= drop_receiving_element('_tree_div',:accept=>'inner_tree_element', :url=>{:controller=>'collection',:action=>'sort_my_tree',:parent_id=>,:id=>nil}, :loading=>"'sort_tree_indicator')", :complete=>"Element.hide('sort_tree_indicator');" )%> <% end %> <% end %>
var selected_el = document.getElementById('<>_tree_item'); selected_el.className='highlighted';
function toggleMyTree(id) { Element.toggle(id+'collapsed'); Element.toggle(id+'expanded'); Element.toggle(id+'children'); return false; } function toggleBackground(el) { // using collection proxies to change the background var highlighted_el = $$("span.highlighted"); highlighted_el.all(function(value,index){return value.className='normal';});
ret += "<span id='#{}_tree_item'>" ret += yield node ret += "</span>" ret += "<span id='#{}children' style='#{}' >" ret += get_tree_data(tree,{|n| yield n} ret += "</span>" ret += "</div>" end end ret += "</div>" return ret end
RJS is undoubtly a good method of ajaxification of your web application. But why to have another myaction.rjs file if its functionality could be merged within the action itself. Is it possible ? Oh !!! its like applying butter on bread.......... check this out
class MyController < ApplicationController def myaction render :update do ¦ page ¦ page.replace_html 'update_this_element_id', :partial=>update_from_controller/update_partial_file' # and all your effects of as we do put in your myaction.rjs end end end
Well, atleast you can avoid myaction.rjs files for just some render partials or a few special effects or when you can afford to not to separate your rjs code.
Well, RJS beautifully continues the MVC behaviour but, in some cases it might be better to to go for the above one.
Hello readers! This post is all about the power of Ruby. After the day full of work I need to take the backup of my work there on remote as well as on my local machine. Ruby Scripting helps the way out in a beautiful manner. There are two modules Net::SSH and Net::SFTP available at RUBY FORGE which can add a lots of more geek functionalities to your daily routine. One of them has relaxed me a lot. Here I am going to explain a small n great use of Net::SSH and Net::SFTP. -----------------------Pre-Requisites------------------------ To use this functionality from your local machine u will have to install ruby on your local machine. After that install these two modules simply using Ruby GEM as follows...
1.) 2.)
after installation write the following code and save it as a ruby file say "backup.rb" here is the code for "backup.rb"
#----------------BACKUP YOUR DATA ON LOCAL MACHINE--------------# require 'net/ssh' require 'net/sftp' #----------------CONNECTION PARAMETERS--------------------------# #... If u wanna use the default connection parameters then set the $default variable to "y" and #... set the default values for $host,$username,$password variables in following elsif block. #... Or Set $default to "n" to provide the connection parameters dynamically. $default = "n" if $default == "n" print " Host : " $host = gets().chop print "Username : " $username = gets().chop print "Password : " $password = gets().chop elsif $default == "y" $host = "localhost" $username = "user" $password = "pass" end #----------------TO BE MODIFIED AS PER NEED-----------------------# $file_path = "exe/" $file_exist = "temp1" $download_path = "c:/test_backup/" #-----------------------------------------------------------------# time_now = $file_new = $file_exist + "_" + time_now.strftime("%a_%b_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S") + ".tar.gz" #------------------------NET::SSH----------------------------------# Net::SSH.start($host, $username, $password) do ¦session¦ shell = puts "SHELL IS RUNNING..." shell.tar "-czf " + $file_path + $file_new + " " + $file_path + $file_exist puts $file_new + " is successfully created " shell.exit sleep 0.5 $stdout.print shell.stdout while shell.stdout? session.loop end #------------------------NET::SFTP----------------------------------# Net::SFTP.start($host, $username, $password) do ¦sftp¦ sftp.get_file $file_path + $file_new, $download_path + $file_new end #------feel free to send comments/queries at
now through command prompt run the file "backup.rb" and enjoy the simple and trendy way to backup your work.
Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. From the Ajax in the view, to the request and response in the controller, to the domain model wrapping the database, Rails gives you a pure-Ruby development environment. To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.
Everyone from startups to non-profits to enterprise organizations are using Rails. Rails is all about infrastructure so it's a great fit for practically any type of web application Be it software for collaboration, community, e-commerce, content management, statistics, management.
I will try to provide the best of my experiences from the always relishing rails.